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Senior Technical Writer
Instructional Designe
Owner's Manuals

You cannot over estimate the value of quality documentation. This is never more important than in the documentation that teaches a customer how to setup, configure, use, and troubleshoot a new product. A well written owner's manual that is clear, easy to read and understand, will not only reinforce the customer's positive image of your company, but it will also reduce technical support requirements. If the answers are "in the manual" and the manual is well designed and "inviting" the customer will be more likely to review and refer to the owner's manual. If the customer can find the answer they need, they won't need to call you to get it.

Typically, these Owner's Manuals are created as both high resolution "press-ready" low resolution "for the web" PDF files. This allows the product manufacturer to print and include the owner manual with the product when it ships, or simply include a Quick Install/Connect/Start Guide with the product and make the owner manual available online, or on a CD delivered with the product.


Manufacturing Manuals



  • 2004 @Home Export Owner Manual


Handheld Manuals

Computer Peripheral Manuals